Course Summary
You will develop knowledge and understanding of the health and social care sector by working towards the GCSE Biology qualification. Alongside this you will have an opportunity to improve your Maths, English and communication skills that are essential for nursing. Plus pulling in key components from the world of social care around safeguarding and equality. A key part of the foundation programme is to work towards national technical outcomes which will help you flourish.
Key Topics
- Human biology
- Safeguarding and equality
- The six Cs of the profession: compassion, communication, care, courage, competence and commitment
- Undertaking risk assessments
- Training in safeguarding
- Assessing support needs through observations
- Health promotion.
Mixture of exams and coursework. (GCSE Biology element is 100%)
This course is assessed by presentations, written work, essays, in class discussions, workshops etc)
Enrichment Opportunities
- Undertake first aid training
- Listen to talks from professionals and universities
- Receive dementia friend training.
FURTHER COLLEGE STUDY: T Level Health, Health and Social Care, Applied Science, A Level Biology
UNIVERSITY COURSES: Nursing, Midwifery, Social Work, Occupational Therapy, Paramedic Science.
CAREER OPTIONS: Nurse, social worker, occupational therapist, paramedic, care worker.
Entry Requirements
At least four GCSEs at grade 3 or above, including English.