Success looks different for every student.
For some, it might mean getting top grades in school, whilst for others it could mean developing skills that will help them succeed in their future career.
Success is ultimately defined by the individual and what they find meaningful and rewarding in life. No matter what success looks like to you, there are certain goals you can strive for to achieve it: setting clear objectives, having a growth mindset, staying organised and motivated, and learning from failure. With dedication and hard work, students can reach whatever success means to them.
As a student, each little step of your college course is a milestone, and every time you reach another one you are a little further along in your journey towards your aim of getting the qualification you need to follow your career.
But if you don’t yet have a career in mind that’s okay too. Let your course be your goal and making each little step a motivation for completing it.
Former US President Barack Obama said:
“If you’re walking down the right path and you’re willing to keep walking, eventually you’ll make progress.”
As a student, there are things you can do to keep moving in the right direction and maintain your progress at Richard Taunton Sixth Form College:
- Attending classes regularly keeps you ahead of the game and in the loop. It’s also good preparation for the world of work
- Being prepared for each session, by bringing the right resources with you, helps you focus and make the most of every lesson
- Asking questions if you don’t understand anything will also make the most of your time in class and help your tutor help you
- Accepting that you are responsible for achieving your success is important. If you feel something is wrong, then ask the question
- Being engaged with your class and your tutor can bring your sessions alive. Be enthusiastic and unafraid to take part in the debate
- Getting involved with enrichment activities beyond your classes can open up new friends, experiences, and opportunities.
So, make the most of your time at college and remember, success is all about understanding that you control your own future.